order from me! lol. Another commercial spam...
I'm sorry, I had to.
It was so perfectly unspecific there was no avoiding that someone would ask you to elaborate.
It was too precious not to reply to.
henley wrote:
I'm sorry, I had to.
It was so perfectly unspecific there was no avoiding that someone would ask you to elaborate.
It was too precious not to reply to.
I just knew it. XD
@chongyian: Spammer.
Holy shizzles.
Would you stop all ordering at once?? I go offline for five minutes and as soon as I get back on there are seven new orders in the shop. I will only have about half an hour to work on sigs today and I might not have much time over the weekend. In addition, I plan on spending my free time today building the website, so I can't do much right now. I'm not bashing on you guys for coming back - personally, return customers quickly become friends - but I just want you all to look around and give other shops a chance. Not only will it make the shop owners delighted to have a new order, but it will also take pressure and stress off of me.
@ mismagius225
I'm glad you, uh, like it. But you should probably keep it appropriate for younger kids.
@ chongyian
Technically, I should be admonishing you for advertising in my shop, but as I explained in that big paragraph above...
As for the circles / squares thing, you use the ellipse tool for the circles (the e key is the shortcut, I believe), and you use the rectangle tool for the squares (it should be right next to the ellipse tool). Once you've drawn a circle / rectangle with one of the tools, it will create a selection. Do whatever you want, and then once you want to delete the selection (you won't be able to color outside of it if it's still there) you either go to Selection » None or you do Shift+Ctrl+A.
So, you're getting into Gimp, now? What version are you using?
@ jontmy00
...dang, henley beat me to it.
Anyway, I reserved a spot on the waiting list for you. You may now consider yourself a VIP.
@ UltraAdam
Alright. That's all you want, right? A simple banner? (no special animations this time; like I said, I'm really busy)
@ NeilWest
Hokay, I can do that.
Wow. Four ;) faces in one post.
Last edited by Zangooser (2012-09-21 09:36:04)
The sig is for my upcoming project in about a month, so I'll order the sig as soon as you finish the rest. But I just started programming it, and I've like lots more to add before the release.
Zangooser wrote:
Holy shizzles.
Would you stop all ordering at once?? I go offline for five minutes and as soon as I get back on there are seven new orders in the shop. I will only have about half an hour to work on sigs today and I might not have much time over the weekend. In addition, I plan on spending my free time today building the website, so I can't do much right now. I'm not bashing on you guys for coming back - personally, return customers quickly become friends - but I just want you all to look around and give other shops a chance. Not only will it make the shop owners delighted to have a new order, but it will also take pressure and stress off of me.
i like that ^^
Zangooser wrote:
Technically, I should be admonishing you for advertising in my shop, but as I explained in that big paragraph above...
As for the circles / squares thing, you use the ellipse tool for the circles (the e key is the shortcut, I believe), and you use the rectangle tool for the squares (it should be right next to the ellipse tool). Once you've drawn a circle / rectangle with one of the tools, it will create a selection. Do whatever you want, and then once you want to delete the selection (you won't be able to color outside of it if it's still there) you either go to Selection » None or you do Shift+Ctrl+A.
So, you're getting into Gimp, now? What version are you using?
Um... yeah, im trying to start getting used to gimp since it has better functions, and thanks for the tip! Im using Gimp 2, if im not wrong 'cos that's what it says...
EDIT: I saw something about bilding a website^^^ can you give me the link? I would love to see it!
Last edited by chongyian (2012-09-21 09:41:00)
[offtopic]Zangooser, you need to do some work for the scratch chatter. Have you started? If you dont know what you need to do, then check the last few posts of that thread as i mentioned it somewhere...[/offtopic]
chongyian wrote:
Um... yeah, im trying to start getting used to gimp since it has better functions, and thanks for the tip! Im using Gimp 2, if im not wrong 'cos that's what it says...
EDIT: I saw something about bilding a website^^^ can you give me the link? I would love to see it!
Just Gimp 2? Are you sure it's not, like, Gimp 2.6? I use version 2.6.12, exactly. I love Gimp. There's a reason it's called a mini Photoshop. ;D
And as for the website...
I haven't started. I said I'd begin right after PersianCatz's banner, but my dad popped out of nowhere and booted me off of the computer. :P
Parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
And the Chatter:
I'm not going to be very lenient on this one: I'd prefer it if you told me in my project comments, not here. I will only allow my shop to be offtopic to a certain extent.
To answer your question: no. I'm at school right now. :l
Will start on it ASAP
Zangooser wrote:
chongyian wrote:
Um... yeah, im trying to start getting used to gimp since it has better functions, and thanks for the tip! Im using Gimp 2, if im not wrong 'cos that's what it says...
EDIT: I saw something about bilding a website^^^ can you give me the link? I would love to see it!Just Gimp 2? Are you sure it's not, like, Gimp 2.6? I use version 2.6.12, exactly. I love Gimp. There's a reason it's called a mini Photoshop. ;D
And as for the website...
I haven't started. I said I'd begin right after PersianCatz's banner, but my dad popped out of nowhere and booted me off of the computer.![]()
Parents. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
And the Chatter:
I'm not going to be very lenient on this one: I'd prefer it if you told me in my project comments, not here. I will only allow my shop to be offtopic to a certain extent.
To answer your question: no. I'm at school right now. :l
Will start on it ASAP
I'm at school too!
Did you get my link? I've been waiting more than a month to get this.
I've started on the website, guys!
In case you haven't already heard, everyone who contributed names will be credited and linked. However, I've decided to extend the reward a little bit. Underneath your name, I will add any sort of text you want, provided it's appropriate. Some ideas of what you can add (remember, it doesn't have to be one of these):
-Your motto
-A link to one of your best projects
-A (short) advertisement for a collab
-A message to whoever visits the site
It doesn't matter, get creative! Just remember to follow all of the Scratch guidelines. (Sorry, I will not post links to your Facebook, Twitter, etc)
This is totally optional, but I highly recommend taking this opportunity while you can! Remember, this offer only applies to you if you've suggested a name. I will not add your name if you suggest a name now.
Can I have 2?
1. Do a good deed and you may change the world.
2. A link to my Fallout game.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Can I have 2?
1. Do a good deed and you may change the world.
2. A link to my Fallout game.
Hey, didn't that used to be in your sig? The quote, I mean?
Anyway, sure. I guess my limit on the number of things you can have is three, because I have plenty of space.
@ henley
Are you sure? This is your chance to advertise your project(s), declare a fandom, say your motto...
hey zangooser, we have to start working on the application form for ZHC art&signature creations... Any idea what to put in?
chongyian wrote:
hey zangooser, we have to start working on the application form for ZHC art&signature creations... Any idea what to put in?
Yeah, hold on, lemme write it...
Here we go:
Banner description: Banner urgency: Text: Art: Background: Miscellanious effects:
Now, an explanation:
Banner description - Self-explanitory
Banner urgency - (Pretty obvious) Do you need this by tomorrow? Tonight? Or can it wait awhile?
Text - What text do you want included in it? (Credit for chongyian, humhumgames, and Zangooser are not optional)
Art - Who do you want to make the art? What do you want exactly?
Background - Who do you want to make the background? Will it be a flat color, a gradient, a photo, a painted scene?
Miscellanious effects - Do you want the text to have a shadow or be 3D? Do you want the art to look like it's separate from the background?
...sound good? Is there anything we should add / remove? I think I got everything...
Last edited by Zangooser (2012-09-21 22:53:53)
okay, after you finish, ill see if there is anything for me to add, then i'll ask humhumgames...
Art - Who do you want to make the art? What do you want exactly?
^^^ i thought we were doing it together?
chongyian wrote:
Art - Who do you want to make the art? What do you want exactly?
^^^ i thought we were doing it together?
I know. But we all have different styles; for instance - some people prefer HumHum's art over mine because it's easy to see and has a definite shape.
I could remove that part, though.