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#26 2012-08-08 09:30:24

Registered: 2012-06-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!


.dias hguonE .evilA llitS•1079172/munedbyloM/stcejorp/ude.tim.hctarcs//:ptth :munedbyloM¶!lol :kcizzoms¶.hctarcS ni detnemelpmi yllufsseccus murof A :muroF MC•2880762/munedbyloM/stcejorp/ude.tim.hctarcs//:ptth•tub ,hgual t’nod ,kO :munedbyloM¶erutnevda inim gniraf-aes a - ssoL yromeM :1 traP serutnevdA gniliaS•2999662/kcizzomS/stcejorp/ude.tim.hctarcs//:ptth•.devaf dna devol I ;tcejorp ecin ,oslA .ereh tog ev'uoy aedi doog a s'tahT :kcizzoms¶!skcolb 62 gnirutaef ,hctarcs ni egaugnal gnimmargorp a -0.1 XOB>>>• 0125762/naMSOR/stcejorp/ude.tim.hctarcs//:ptth :naMSOR¶.og ew ereh os ,ko :naMSOR¶.ebyaM ...!yaw siht emaf teG .ti gnisitrevda ecnetnes eno neht dna tcejorp hctarcs a ot lru a gnitsop rof yllacificeps si aerht sihT !enoyreve yeH :naMSOR¶lleT dna wohS§.)tsop siht htiw melborp taht yltcaxe dah I ylgniyonnA( oot noitulos a rof aeid doog a s'taht - naem uoy tahw wonk i ,haey :kcizzoms¶.pleh dluow srettel 01 naht regnol si dnammoc ta egassem eht fi trela na ,lleW .tsop gnipyt tuohtiw retne sserp dna ,tsop gnol a epyt I nehw em syonna ti tub ,sdnammoc eht ot desu ydaerla m’I :munedbyloM¶.sdnammoc eht ot desu teg od uoy ecnis yawyna melborp a fo hcum taht s'ti taht ton...yrassecen sa meht edih dna wohs dna sdnammoc eht yas meht evah tsuj dna selbairav esu dluoc uoy s0 ti peek ot tub reisae noitagivan ekam ot saw unem lacihparg a detnaw I nosaer ylno eht llew mmH :kcizzoms¶.))s1s0 eb NAC ti ,llew( s1s0 gnieb tcejorp siht ekil I dna( scihparg dna setirps htiw doog yrev ton m'I .daerht wen rof N ekil ,stuctrohs dda syawla dluoc I ...wonk t'nod I :munedbyloM¶?sthguohT .reisae hcus dna sdaerht wen gnitaerc ekam dluow ti enigami I .gnidaer edepmi t'nseod ti taht os ti wohs/edih ot thgir raf eht no nottub a htiw dna skcolb ksa eht evoba tsuj gniraeppa...elbissop eb dluow unem lacihparg a fi gnirednow tsuJ :kcizzoms¶?uneM lacihparG§skaerb enil gnitseT•.egassem troba tnemelpmI .fles ot etoN :munedbyloM¶tset ,llew ho • /= detrats ecno egassem troba ot yaw on tub ereh tsop ot tnaw yllaer t'noD :kcizzoms¶.elpmaxe na rof daerht saedi eht ni tsop ym detadpu evah I .kaerb enil a epyt dluow uoy erehw 7-tla epyt tsuj ,meht esu oT !won skaerb enil stroppus muroF MC :munedbyloM¶!skaerb enil stroppus muroF MC§dab oot t'nsi ti rednimer a yas sa tub tcefrep t'nsi ti wonk I mhaeY :kcizzoms¶P: sdnammoc eht weiv ot dnammoc )si daerht eht rebmun revetahw ro( 1 eht esu ot deen dluow yeht nehT :munedbyloM¶?ni sdnammoc eht tsil ot daerht etarapes a ebyam rO .eno smurof hctarcs eht ton ;murof siht fo tsop tsrif eht tnaem I ,oN :kcizzoms¶(: tide t’nac I os ,tsop siht fo emit eht ta rehctarcs wen a m’I :munedbyloM¶.ssecca fo esae rof tsop tsrif eht ot sdnammoc eht dda dluoc uoy gniht unem fo dnik emos htiw gnirehtob ot evitanretla na sA :kcizzoms¶.eseht ekam nac I nehw wonk t’nod I os ,elihw a rof hctarcs no teg ot elba eb t’now I ,revewoH•.daolnwod ot gnivah tuohtiw daerht a eteled nac dom/nimda na oS .segelivirp dom/nimdA )3•(: hguoht tsrif detnemelpmi eb ot 1 deen lliw sihT .sMP )2•134101=di?php.cipotweiv/smurof/ude.tim.hctarcs//:ptth :siht deksa I oS .edoc eht ta gnikool yb sdrowssap s’rehto laets ot elpoep tnaw t’nod I si melborp ehT .noitartsiger gniwollA )1•.saedi erom emos dah I ,oslA :munedbyloM¶.enog eb lliw daerht eritne eht ,enilffo tsil sdaerht eht ni daerht maps eht eteled uoy fI .seY :munedbyloM¶.lufesu eb dluoc taht esuaceB ?maps tsuj er'yeht ro dnah fo tuo og yeht fi scipot eteled ot yaw ysae na evah uoy od ,munedbyloM :naMSOR¶!ereh tsop tsuj ,murof siht rof noitseggus a evah uoy fi os daerht siht gnitsop m'I ,oS !dedda eb ylisae dluoc erom taht dna ,laitnetop fo stol sah murof siht taht yas ot ereh tsuJ !ereht olleH :naMSOR¶saedI§.)s7-tla otni detrevnoc era skaerb enil lla( rotaerc gnirts eht dna )skaerb enil otni detrevnoc era s7-tla lla( rettilps gnirts eht si skaerb enil rof degnahc saw yllautca taht gniht ylno eht kniht I .haeY :munedbyloM¶.lol lla ta krow ot skaerb enil tog evah ot hguone tluciffid smees ti dna...secaps elpitlum troppus t'nod smurof hctarcs nehw tluciffid ytterp smees yletaidemmi skaerbenil tnemelpmi stsop gnikam ;lol desirprus ton m'I dnA•<.< tib dnammoc eht ni stsop ym gnipyt peeK• !!HHHGRRRRRA :kcizzoms¶.taht no pu evag I (: P: hguoht skaerb enil yalpsid yletaidemmi ot gniyrt nehw noitartsurf fo tuo tcejorp eht deteled ylraen I :munedbyloM¶.trap drah eht si tpecnoc eht ;hguoht edoc ni elpmis ytterp s'ti esoppus I o: kciuq ytterp s'taht ,hA :kcizzoms¶.)kcolc a tuohtiw emit fo kcart gnipeek ta dab m'I( setunim 03 ro 51 tuoba ni siht edam yllautca I .peY :munedbyloM¶.sdaerht fo stol sah ti nehw doog yllaer gnieb ti ees dluoc I tub yllanigiro sseltniop demees siht taht gnikniht saw I...skrow siht fi gnirednoW :kcizzoms¶looc ytterp eb dluoc sihT§.gnihtemos ro tsrif tsop depyt dah yltnedive tub unem eht ot og ot gniyrt saw I ,sey ,hA :kcizzoms¶.krow did ti ,oslA .)murof s'hctarcs( daerht eht ni tsop ym daeR (: gnirts eht etsaper dna tiuq uoy retfa redner ylno skaerb eniL :munedbyloM¶?gnorw did i tahw em llet dna tsop llet dna wohs ym ta kool uoy dluoC .em rof gnikrow t'nsi gniht "kaerb enil" eht ,wtb :naMSOR¶.unem niam eht ot teg ot gniyrt saw ehs/eh kniht i :naMSOR¶?tahW :munedbyloM¶niam :kcizzoms¶.seton tcejorp eht ni si noitamrofni eroM .murof a etaerc ot reyalpitlum tnemmoc sesu taht tcejorp latnemirepxe na si murof sihT :munedbyloM¶!murof MC eht ot emocleW§

I'm back! And I'm a scratcher!

"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
(|Balls and Platforms: Stay on!|) (|NaOS-H: An operating system... Or is it?|)



#27 2012-08-09 09:28:36

Registered: 2012-07-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!

Cool!  big_smile



#28 2012-08-09 20:17:57

Registered: 2012-06-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!

BirdByte wrote:

Cool!  big_smile

Thanks. Have you posted in it?

"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
(|Balls and Platforms: Stay on!|) (|NaOS-H: An operating system... Or is it?|)



#29 2012-09-13 17:25:12

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!

What key is alt on a computer ?

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



#30 2012-09-14 15:10:58

Registered: 2010-06-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!

dvd4 wrote:

What key is alt on a computer ?

I made a mod  big_smile  It's called blook!



#31 2012-10-14 12:16:49

Registered: 2012-06-17
Posts: 1000+

Re: CM Forum!

dvd4 wrote:

dvd4 wrote:

What key is alt on a computer ?

The alt key is the alt key... Right over there.

"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
(|Balls and Platforms: Stay on!|) (|NaOS-H: An operating system... Or is it?|)



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