I don't know if you could read or play a plane, nor make them but you can create them...
I'm getting really interested in those big huge planes with beds. They're really cool.
Is anyone interested in planes? Discuss.
YES!!! Military ones FTW!!! F-35, F-22, F-4, C-5, C-130, A-10, etc. etc. etc. etc......
I personally like military planes, and draw them all the time.
I love the F-22A Raptor.
Last edited by berberberber (2012-07-10 22:23:11)
I want to build an ultralight when I grow up
jji7skyline wrote:
I want to build an ultralight when I grow up
Awesome. I might build a huge plane in minecraft tommorow.
Animeboy975 wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
I want to build an ultralight when I grow up
Awesome. I might build a huge plane in minecraft tommorow.
I've built a few already.
Automatic redstone lights, seats, cockpit
Just make sure you get the proportions right. I've seen ugly MC planes with really short wings
You guys just gave me an idea. At least pocket edition is decent for creative, but no redstone
berberberber wrote:
I personally like military planes, and draw them all the time.
I love the F-22A Raptor.
F-35 Lightning II JSF will replace all. I personally like the steal planes, like B-2 Spirit and SR-71 Blackbird. The A-10 Thunderbolt II is awesome. It's a flying tank...
Started building my MC plane, with 3 floors. 1st floor is First class, which is like a mini hotel. 2nd is Buisness Class, with seats and beds and everybody gets a mini TV. 3rd is economy. Which is just seats. Pilot is on 1st floor though.
Personally I like the F-16 and A-10. The F-22 and the JSF program may produce great planes (although they are not without their fair share of issues) but they are simply creating planes more powerful (and expensive) than the current best fleet in the world, which is coincidentally owned by the USA as well.
I love planes. Especially miltary ones. I don't get why the F-35 is pretty much replacing the entire USAF. I love the F-16. It's the oldest jet fighter still in major use. They've made 9 variants of it. F-16A through F-16I! Also the A-10 is pretty much a flying tank. AND WHY WOULD THEY THROW OUT THE F-22? THOSE WERE AMAZING!!!
Actually, the F-14 is the oldest still in use. The B-52 is the oldest bomber (I think). I love military planes. Anyone play MetalStorm?
owlman wrote:
I love planes. Especially miltary ones. I don't get why the F-35 is pretty much replacing the entire USAF. I love the F-16. It's the oldest jet fighter still in major use. They've made 9 variants of it. F-16A through F-16I! Also the A-10 is pretty much a flying tank. AND WHY WOULD THEY THROW OUT THE F-22? THOSE WERE AMAZING!!!
Umm, because pilots are becoming ill after flying the F-22? That is a pretty big issue if they were to suffer during a dogfight.
Last edited by 16Skittles (2012-07-12 15:36:41)
berberberber wrote:
The SR-71 is awesome. I heard it can outrun missiles!
Whoa. Does anyone else like the planes i like [ the huge passanger planes]
I also live in the state where planes were first made [North Carolina]
Animeboy975 wrote:
berberberber wrote:
The SR-71 is awesome. I heard it can outrun missiles!
Whoa. Does anyone else like the planes i like [ the huge passanger planes]
I also live in the state where planes were first made [North Carolina]
Objection from a former resident of Ohio here that the Wright Brothers did research and building in Ohio and only went to Kitty Hawk for testing.
16Skittles wrote:
owlman wrote:
I love planes. Especially miltary ones. I don't get why the F-35 is pretty much replacing the entire USAF. I love the F-16. It's the oldest jet fighter still in major use. They've made 9 variants of it. F-16A through F-16I! Also the A-10 is pretty much a flying tank. AND WHY WOULD THEY THROW OUT THE F-22? THOSE WERE AMAZING!!!
Umm, because pilots are becoming ill after flying the F-22? That is a pretty big issue if they were to suffer during a dogfight.
Geez guys, I didn't know.
Firedrake969 wrote:
Actually, the F-14 is the oldest still in use. The B-52 is the oldest bomber (I think). I love military planes. Anyone play MetalStorm?
I play Metalstorm: Wingman on my iPod touch. I love it! But they pretty much took real planes and just renamed them. It would be cool if they made up there own planes.
owlman wrote:
Firedrake969 wrote:
Actually, the F-14 is the oldest still in use. The B-52 is the oldest bomber (I think). I love military planes. Anyone play MetalStorm?
I play Metalstorm: Wingman on my iPod touch. I love it! But they pretty much took real planes and just renamed them. It would be cool if they made up there own planes.
Let's discuss it on my Metalstorm topic in the second page of this forum.
Animeboy975 wrote:
berberberber wrote:
The SR-71 is awesome. I heard it can outrun missiles!
Whoa. Does anyone else like the planes i like [ the huge passanger planes]
I also live in the state where planes were first made [North Carolina]
747s are the BEST!