nathanprocks wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
It is very easy to learn.Yea, a friend tried to teach me.
I'm now stuck on level 8...You have to input <!--#exec cmd="[put UNIX command to list directory tree of parent directory here]"--> (If you don't know how to use UNIX commands, research it).
I know basic UNIX commands, but is that other bit PHP?
jji7skyline wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
Yea, a friend tried to teach me.
I'm now stuck on level 8...You have to input <!--#exec cmd="[put UNIX command to list directory tree of parent directory here]"--> (If you don't know how to use UNIX commands, research it).
I know basic UNIX commands, but is that other bit PHP?
No. It is SSI.
HTS made me realise a very potentially unsafe threat in my "EasyPage" website where people can go up a directory and edit other people's pages or even mess up the website. Some of you may remember EasyPage from when Misc was archived and these forums were created. I also fixed up the /' thing. (I was such a noob at PHP when I made EasyPage. At least I learn't PHP by making that site. (I had almost no knowledge of PHP when I start it.))
Last edited by nathanprocks (2012-07-13 02:17:23)
You mean using SSI? I think my websites my be hackable like that as well
Oh well, that's the purpose of this website I guess
jji7skyline wrote:
You mean using SSI? I think my websites my be hackable like that as well
Oh well, that's the purpose of this website I guess
Yeah. I tried the Application Missions. The first 2 can be done by open the .exe file with a text editor. The first one is stored as plain text in the .exe, the second has the code in a text file on HTS, the third is on HTS, but it uses PHP and tells u if the code is true or false. I changed "false" to "true." in the third one and it created a memory leak that almost crashed my computer. I decided to stop trying after that lol.
Last edited by nathanprocks (2012-07-13 03:08:46)