Discuss this awesome website. It's a great way to assess your web programming skills and hacking skills legally.
I've finished basic 4 but can't work out basic 5. I probably need to learn more javascript. I've tried using javascript variables but it didn't work
So which missions have you done?
I know. It didn't work.
Basic 5 is almost the same as Basic 4. You should try Basic 6. If your stuck on Basic 6, try typing stuff like 11111 in the encrypt box. I cracked the code.
nathanprocks wrote:
Basic 5 is almost the same as Basic 4. You should try Basic 6. If your stuck on Basic 6, try typing stuff like 11111 in the encrypt box. I cracked the code.
Cryptography seems exciting so I'll try it
Basic 5 is actually really easy... you just need to edit the HTML so that it send the password to your email address and then once you send it, it will go to a page that tells you the password.
Haven't really looked at this site, but the concept of a hacking sandbox with actual community appeals to me. Might check it out.
Yea, it's cool
Basic 5 is actually mean't to be done with JavaScript injection, but If you want to do it the same way as Basic 4, that is fine and works fine.
wolfdude999 wrote:
How do you do basic 7?
I'll give you a hint. The cal.pl script runs the UNIX cal command. You need to put a year and then run another command (on the same line) to list the files. If you know how to use the Linux/UNIX terminal, you should be able to get this.
I was able to do the first 4 basic challenges as well, only with the little knowledge I had beforehand. As for not being able to complete 5, I blame it in my lack of any JS knowledge.
The first few "realistic" missions look easy too. Now if I had any idea on how to do JS injection...
technoguyx wrote:
I was able to do the first 4 basic challenges as well, only with the little knowledge I had beforehand. As for not being able to complete 5, I blame it in my lack of any JS knowledge.
The first few "realistic" missions look easy too. Now if I had any idea on how to do JS injection...
All you need to do is use the JavaScript console (usually F12) and type the JavaScript code to do that same thing as you done in Basic 4.
I just made a quick Python program to solve Basic 6. I suddenly feel so pro though it's probably so easy.
Hacked basic 6
Edit: and level 7 as well :3
Last edited by jji7skyline (2012-07-12 00:39:15)
I don't really know SQL
nathanprocks wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
I don't really know SQL
It is very easy to learn.
Yea, a friend tried to teach me.
I'm now stuck on level 8...
jji7skyline wrote:
nathanprocks wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
I don't really know SQL
It is very easy to learn.
Yea, a friend tried to teach me.
I'm now stuck on level 8...
You have to input <!--#exec cmd="[put UNIX command to list directory tree of parent directory here]"--> (If you don't know how to use UNIX commands, research it).