I was thinking a few days ago of a movie that I could make and out of nowhere it popped in my head."Zuwel star wars"! I created a trailer and broadcasted it in my projects and now I started. But after a while I started thinking of getting help and now you can help me on creating Zuwel star wars and hope to get to the front pages. Please lend a hand so another great movie comes to scratch!http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/img/smilies/big_smile.png
I was thinking a few days ago of a movie that I could make and out of nowhere it popped in my head."Zuwel star wars"! I created a trailer and broadcasted it in my projects and now I started. But after a while I started thinking of getting help and now you can help me on creating Zuwel star wars and hope to get to the front pages. Please lend a hand so another great movie comes to scratch!!!
zuwel wrote:
sure, I will change It but does this mean you'll help?
Sure, if you need any help with programmng, just comment on one of my projects and I will see what I can do.