Here they are:
Turn widescreen on Set widescreen aspect ratio to [] to [] Turn widescreen off Show variable [] at X[] Y[] Glide variable [] to X[] Y[] Show list [] at X[] Y[] Glide list [] to X[] Y[] Record project sounds Record sounds from microphone <sound #> <sound name> Play video [] Record project as a video Record video from camera <video #> <video name>Thanks for viewing!
Thanks for suggesting! For Scratch we spend about an hour of discussion per pixel. So this many blocks in one suggestion would take us around 10,000 hours to think through!
It's best to suggest one thing at a time, and get other Scratchers to help think it through carefully. Those are the suggestions we're most likely to spend time going over. So - it would be good to pick a single block and start a thread about that.
Thanks for suggestin' all the same!
Lightnin wrote:
Thanks for suggesting! For Scratch we spend about an hour of discussion per pixel. So this many blocks in one suggestion would take us around 10,000 hours to think through!
It's best to suggest one thing at a time, and get other Scratchers to help think it through carefully. Those are the suggestions we're most likely to spend time going over. So - it would be good to pick a single block and start a thread about that.
Thanks for suggestin' all the same!
Start discussing!