Pitusky12 wrote:
hey wolfdude can you put just one programmer,because i would like so much to be a programmer.i like projects we make in this collaboration,i really dont like too much being a debugger.please add one more open spot for programmer for me.
I did
wolfdude999 wrote:
zammer990 wrote:
I'm gonna try and make the variables system work more efficiently. But not today.
What do you mean work more efficiently?
Right now, all your enemies' healths are stored as individual variables, if you want to expand, you have to add more variables, so I'm going to try storing them all as a list with the relevant scripts referencing it. It'll clean up the scripts more. I'll let you know how it goes
zammer990 wrote:
wolfdude999 wrote:
zammer990 wrote:
I'm gonna try and make the variables system work more efficiently. But not today.
What do you mean work more efficiently?
Right now, all your enemies' healths are stored as individual variables, if you want to expand, you have to add more variables, so I'm going to try storing them all as a list with the relevant scripts referencing it. It'll clean up the scripts more. I'll let you know how it goes
Pitusky12 wrote:
i would like to program something for this collaboration right now,i dont have any tasks.
I don't run the collab, and I only just joined but until wolf tells you to do something just think up/implement achievements/enemies, or if you can make parabolic arrows, that seems to be something they want.
Pitusky12 wrote:
ohhh. Cool!!! in what are you working right now in this collaboration?
I'm making the code more efficient, improving the game engine, making achievements etc.
Speaking of which, Wolf when you come online I finished the local variable based version:
Anything to bug fix? I have to go soon, so just leave a comment on one of my projects that I can see tomorrow or later--I am in 3 collabs at the moment.
Pitusky12 wrote:
whats the code for the game generators signature?
Pitusky12 wrote:
hey wolfdude999 whats my assignment in the first post?
You don't have one.
Assignments updated! You may have to do something that you didn't apply for but it isn't anything that you shouldn't be able to do.