My microphone works fine, but it has this weird chipmunk-like sound after I listen to what I record. Any tips on how to get rid of this?
Can anyone help?
C'mon I need help soon...
xOXbellaXOx wrote:
C'mon I need help soon...
On forums, you can't expect to get replies immediately, it could be anywhere from 2 minutes to 1 day.
My thoughts are that your microphone is damaged, or cheapo.
I think I've heard of this problem before, although I don't recall there being a real solution. My best advice is to try recording in another program. (Assuming you're recording with Scratch) Scratch's audio recording is shaky at best and often the best way to solve problems with it is just to use something else.
hdarken wrote:
I think this should go in Bugs and Glitches.
I agree.
SciTecCf wrote:
I think it has something to do with sample rates. Scratch automatically downsamples the audio to 22050, but that might be different in your case. What sample rate does your mic record at?
I don't really know...
It seems to speed it up a lot, and make it sound like its vibrating.